About Us
Rotary Rotorua Sunrise – Our mission is to be an engaged, action-orientated, vibrant club with passionate members who shine and have fun!
We meet at 6.45 am every Tuesday morning at Arawa Park Hotel, 272 Fenton Street for a breakfast meeting.
View the Members Page to see a full list of all our current members.
Who We Are
An enthusiastic collection of bright young things (some younger than others) who work together and with a large number of local and national organisations and charities with the sole aim of making Rotorua and the rest of the world a better place to live.
What We Do and Why
Very often the ‘silent’ helping hands behind a calendar of high-profile events, members donate their time and expertise to raising funds, being extra pairs of hands, coordinating events, contributing to educational and self-development events and generally being great people.
You Can Get Involved
It can be as simple as a few hours of volunteering, attending an event or becoming a member. If you would like to be involved in any of our youth projects, community projects or many international projects drop us a line via our contact page.
You can learn more about Rotary, and what we do around the globe on the Rotary International Website.
A Brief on our History
Our club was chartered by the Rotary Club of Rotorua North on 21st October 1998 and the Charter President was Kerry Murphy. Charter members included:
Kerry Murphy – Roger Hall* – Debra Bell* – Rex Merrick* – Peter Stein – Sandy Hall* – Lynne Joseph – Anne Tregilgas – John Visser – Turi Ngatai – Cyril Pepper – Dianne Klomp – Neil Cardno – Wayne Lee – Frank Emirali – Mark Beech – Graham Brownrigg – Len Pemberton.
* Charter members who are current members today.
Club Officers in 1998 – 99 were:
- President: Kerry Murphy
- Senior Vice President / Membership Development Officer: Roger Hall
- Junior Vice President / Club Service Director: Debra Bell
- Rotary Information: Rex Merrick
- Youth / Vocational Director: Dianne Klomp
- International / Community Director: John Visser
- Secretary / Attendance and Fellowship Officer: Len Pemberton
- Sergeant at Arms: Peter Stein
- Corporal: Anne Tregilgas
- Treasurer: Frank Emerali
- Bulletin Editor: Roger Hall
- Programme Coordinator: Lynne Joseph